List of services provided by Asadona
Vietnamese business procedures
- Providing service package for business establishment (business registration and tax registration for the first time)
- Changing business name (including changing the seal)
- Changing the address of Head Office (the same Tax department)
- Changing the address of the registered office (different Tax department, also changing the seal)
- Raising charter capital
- Reducing charter capital
- Adding branches, changing business lines
- Changing legal representative
- Changing members of limited liability company, shareholders of joint stock company.
- Enterprise transfer
- Conversion of one-member limited liability company, company with over two members (with name and seal unchanged)
- Converting the type of one-member limited liability – limited liability – joint stock company (with the seal changed)
- Updating the information about change of tax registration (for example: registering for a bank account)
- Foreign individuals or organizations that register to buy capital contributions from Vietnamese companies
- Establishment of branches, representative offices, business locations (excluding the seal)
Household business
- New establishment of household business.
- Changing information of household business: additional changes in business lines, change of business address, …
License conditions
- Education license for language centers.
- Education license for life skills training centers.
- license for eligibility for chemical business
- License for eligibility for chemical production and trading in the conditional list
- Proposing prevention measures for chemical incident
- Plans to protect the environment
- Environmental impact assessment
- License for eligibility for gas business (for gas businesses)
- License for eligibility to operate the printing industry
- Certificate of eligibility for fire protection
- Measures for fire protection
- Certificate of eligibility for security (for security company, guest house, hotel, pawnshop, karaoke bar.
- Certificate of eligibility for food safety and hygiene (for restaurant, coffee shop, industrial ration company, food production and trading, farm, company offering fresh food)
- Barcode registration (one business code, one group of products)
- Trademark registration (a nibis industry code, a six-product group)
Foreign business procedures
- Planning an investment project in the manufacturing sector in the industrial park
- Setting up an investment project in the commercial sector
- Adding goals of investment project
- Raising investment capital
- Raising charter capital (capital contribution)
- Adding the project site on the investment certificate
- Changing investor’s information: the representative, address….of the investor
- Extending project implementation schedule
- Transferring projects
- Changing investment certificate in case of division, separation, merger, consolidation, and conversion of business type
- Including factory in the certificate of land use rights
Office administration services
- Shared office for rent (one seat, reception, office utilities)
- Business address for rent (space for signboard and reception)
- Managing accounting books, submitting tax reports on time
- Registering for social insurance
- Reviewing accounting books, handling inspection and tax settlement cases
- Designing logo, the brand identity, printing and preparing business documents
Target customers
- Businesses about to set up:
- Naming, choosing industry, contract of cooperation
- Composing, submitting, and receiving business registration documents
- Registering for tax, account, invoice, digital signature
- Small scale businesses:
- Legal department: compiling contract documents
- Accounting department: submitting tax reports on time
- Administrative department: managing documents and office, handling cases
- Extended businesses:
- Certificate of education, chemical trading, security, fire protection, food safety and hygiene, environment…
- Adding business type, raising capital, changing address, setting up new branches
- Business transformation:
- Converting business type, setting subsidiary, opening share issue
- Purchasing and selling capital contribution, transferring company
- Setting up subsidiary, associated company