Proposal of issuance Investment Certificates


Asadona consulting and on behalf of the customer to contact with Administrative agencies, performing enough and strict legal procedures in the establishment of the investment project.

Step 1: Proposal of issuance Investment Certificate

No. Responsibility: Proposal of issuance Investment Certificate (import, export, wholesale distribution (no establishments of premises) Responsibility Time Service Fee
1 Prepare apposite document for the establishment  of a new investment project Asadona  






35 days















2.800 USD

2 Filed and receivied results for a new investment projects Asadona
3 Printing and completing of a profiles for new investment project. Asadona
4 Document
Written proposal for issuance of investment registration certificate Asadona
Written prosal for the investment project Asadona
Explanation statement  of respone conditions for trading activities Asadona
A copy notarized of passport of the investor in case of the individual investor

Copy of translated and notarized of the business license of the investor in case the investor is an organization (must be consular legalized before notarized translation)

Documents can demonstrate financial energy showing the ability to mobilize investment capital, contributed capital of the project:

Certificate of bank account for amount of money or letter of guarantee / commitment borrowing of the bank equal or more than total investment capital contribution to implement the project of the company in Viet Nam


Document of project location:

+ Tenancy

+ Certificate of ownership of works

+ Investment certificate, business registration certificate of the lessor (if the lessor is an organization)

Total 35 days 2.800 USD

Step 2: Business Registration

No. Responsibility: Business Registration Time State Fee Service Fee
1 Prepare business registration dossier and prepare the authorization letter  







200 USD

2 Filed and receivied the results of business registration dossiers. 3 days
3 Tax registration for the first time  with business registration.

(Tax code registration, taxpayer information, taxes payments code, accounting system, fiscal year)

1 day
4 Provide a company stamp (good, thick, beautiful), filed the stamp registration form at the business registration office. 1 day
5 Announcing the business information on MPI portal (required).
6 Support to register a bank account for company at Asadona office. (HD Bank, OCB Bank, BIDV Bank)
7 Printing and completing of a profiles business registration for company members.
Total 10 days 200 USD


The total cost  is 3.000 USD not included 10% VAT.

The customer pay  60% immediately after signing the contract. And pay 40% after received the investment certificate.

Number of days is understand as “working day”

Customers provide enough documents and ensure the legality of the documents provided. Support information to  Asadona in compose records (include: The company name, project scale, labors, ….)

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